Copier Printers-How Much Can We Save?
Copier Purchase-Brands That Work For You
Office Printer Work Flow-Assess Your Current Office
Using your Venice Copier Printer Wisely
There are a few things you can do as a business owner or executive to save money on your printing processes.
Although color printing is beautiful, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for certain documents. If you can pay say 4 cents less per page by printing in black and white, then why not? For example, you print an email, which has a couple of words in color. You have an unsubscribe link on the bottom of your emails, which is blue. It is a good idea to cut down on these color prints, but not on something like a nice picture, or colorful workflow.
While you value your employees, you don’t want to restrict or monitor their printing too much, because they like to feel trusted. You can add access codes to the printer in some organizations, but in others it is a turnoff. In our opinion, just letting them know that there are codes available will give them second thoughts of printing 500 pages of color in 1 shot.
Most people like the idea of saving the environment. Why not do more automatic douple sided printing, when it makes sense. For documents that stay inside your organization, why not default your copier printer to print 2 sided. At $50+ per box of paper , cutting it in half will definitely help your business save money.
So what features do we offer to help you do these? With most of our Venice copier rentals, we employ some of these. Firstly, we can install different color drivers to your system, as well as default them to copy and print in black, then be able to change to color manually. Second, we can set access codes on your copier for print and copy. This will give you the ability to track who is doing what, as well as serve as a deterrent. Finally, Secure Print is a feature where you print, then must input a code on the copier itself, to release the job. This feature is reportable as well as a deterrent.