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How Educational Facilities Manage Print Costs

Days of Printing in Florida Schools
Number of Copier Printers in Most Schools
Copier Printer Usage-Number of Lesson Plans

Bradenton Copier Rentals For Schools

Copier Leasing Bradenton-What do Schools Print?

Printers Used For

Teachers need to make lesson plans to make sure all of our kids are headed in the right direction.  Everyone on the team needs to be on the same page as far as the goals of the day. All of our Konica Minolta printer rental plans help achieve this.

Copier Uses for Kids

Kids don’t need tablets and phones in school!  It is proven that our kids need to learn the fine motor skills by writing on paper.  Children also learn to interact by sharing ideas with friends. A commercial printer rental with us will help your kids!

Copier Leasing Bradenton Education

Staff must scan documents to the correct areas efficiently.  Our copier machines for lease make it easy to sort and filter documents scanned directly to specific files and folders.  When you need help, we are one of the few local copy machine service and repair companies who respond quickly.

Our Copiers Help Budget Costs

As a rule, schools need to have a budget for everything, because they need to be accountable to taxpayers.  Our copy machine leasing and Managed Print Services help schools have fixed costs and payments.  There will be no surprises with your copy machine lease here.  For example, we structure all school laser printer rentals with a fixed payments.  We set alerts on printer copiers so if a certain amount of prints are exceeded, then a notice goes out to the appropriate school employee, so they can control copy costs.

If you are a Bradenton school, do you want copier bills for thousands of dollars coming out of nowhere?  Our document experts can tailor a Managed Print design to fit your needs.  We can setup account codes, with countless variables to manage print type and amount.  For example, each employee has a 4 digit code to copy or print, but unlimited scanning.  Some employees are given color rights of up to 100 pages per month, and some are only allowed to scan and copy in black and white.  The copy code combinations are literally endless.  Many of Gulf’s office printers for rent  will help you do this.

As Educators, we have to print and copy things, because our kids learn best by touching and feeling paper and pencil, but we must have limits.  As a financial overseer in education, we need to control print and copy costs, but we want to let our teachers and aides feel like we are not micromanaging them.  One way to have it both ways is to assign printing codes that aren’t visible to the user, but the user knows they are there.  The codes can be input monthly into software to generate quick reports on copier printer costs.  This way, if we see excessive printing, we can talk with the entire staff.  The idea of deterrence in printing can go a long way.

Copier leasing using print management systems also protects the environment.  Paper is mainly biodegradable and a renewable resource.  If we use our paper wisely, we can use it forever.  So let’s utilize our print management systems now, so we can use them later!  Our document management software is available with all copier rentals Bradenton schools and businesses can use today.

How To Limit School Printing Costs With Access Codes

So what are access codes in printing?  Access codes are one of the top ways to manage printing costs.   While they may seem like a complicated solution, they are actually quite easy for your copier company to implement.  And even better, account track(access codes for Konica Minolta) are very low cost, and many times free!

Witb account track, each person has a four to seven digit password.  “1234” is not the best code to choose here, so make sure nobody knows your code, unless you want them to charge prints to you.

Each time the teacher, staff member, or pricipal needs to copy, scan, or fax(yes very rarely), they input the code into the copier, and they are allowed to do what they need.  Best of all, each use is recorded and reported.

When someone needs to print from one of their computers,  they just push print and everything is accounted for.  Nobody has to put numbers into the driver, as this is done upon initially setting up the copier scanner.

What’s really cool is each person can have certain permissions, that only the administrator controls.  For example,  you want teachers to print in black, only 300 color prints per month, and full scanning rights, and double sided printing only to save paper.

What about support staff that print more in color?  They get unlimited black and color printing, and don’t get to copy or scan.

The reporting for copy codes is awesome.  It shows anything from number of 2 sided, color, faxes, scans, paper size used, date and time etc.  It also can be integrated into your excel software for monthly audits.  Copy and print access code can really save tons of money, time, and grief in schools.  Our Konica minolta copier repair specialists can help you set this up.

Copier Rental Bradenton Schools

Streamlined Copier Printer Reporting

How many times has your front office staff, school secretary, or teacher said that the copier jams all of the time?  When there are limited resources in schools, copier jams can hold up everyone in the building.  People don’t have time to report jams, and they also don’t want to look like the person that broke the copier.  Our systems have jam notifications, which can be sent to the appropriate team member for immediate assistance.

Copier Toner-We Are Out of Toner!

So you come back from the weekend, to start a fresh new week with the kids, and as you print out the morning worksheets, you see the toner is out!  Why didn’t anyone report this to the front staff, so they could get more on Friday?  Probably because they didn’t see the low toner message.  To overcome this, a simple low toner message(say at 10% left) could have been sent thru our managed print service.  Your school would have had a toner ready for you to easily continue on with your day.

Printer Toner-The Hoarder

Do you have that person at your Bradenton school who grabs the extra toners and puts them in his or her locked closet?  When your copier lease runs out of toner not allowing you to print quizzes, everyone is scrambling to get that cyan toner.  You finally get one, then realize Barb over there has a closet full.  If you had Managed print services, both of us would have known where the toners were, making your day so much easier.

Copier Rentals MPS Hidden Gems

So, while sifting through your managed print service report, you think, “What good does this do our school?”  Our MPS reporting has many key performance indicators that will unlock “little treasures” of copy and print savings.  You can tailor any any of your indicators and analysis to fit your needs, and find previously unknown printer savings.
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Bradenton Copiers-How To Save Costs In Education

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